Project Details
Client: Look After My Bills
Via Nexteam Network
Between May 2020 and October 2021
Look After My Bills
Our network were a key part of the team behind building auto-switching platforms for Home Insurance and BroadBand for Look After My Bills
We were the majority of a small team which built an MVP for BroadBand auto-switching from nothing to production in one month. Building the frontend, a number of backend microservices and complete deployment into AWS, all within one month.
We moved on to building a similar flow for home insurance. Following a similar architecture and super simple UI / UX. Integrating directly with the underlying insurance provider, including secure file exchange, and simple business intelligence.

A screenshot of the Broadband auto-switching journey, built by the team from zero to production in 1 month.
The Team

Chris Ellis
Senior Software Engineer
I was part of a newly formed small team to expand the Look After My Bills brand into new vertical markets. We built proof of concept sites for broadband and car insurance in very short time frames. As well as the live home insurance site. This was all greenfield serverless micro-services on AWS.
Frontend Engineer
Built a broadband switching app PoC in 1 month, followed by Home Insurance switching app in 3 months, all React Frontend.